
Global market survey

Market survey on opportunities for Vegetable Protein Concentrates in the Global Aquafeed Industry for Crown Iron Works, USA.

Aquafeed formulation

Developer of feed formulation guides for carp, tilapia and white leg shrimp for F2Care.

Aquafeed production Russia

Coordinator and technical-commercial advisor establishing an aquafeed production unit and demo recirculation trout farm for a Russian feed company.

Feed formulation Greece

Feed formulation and technical support for aquafeed company Aquaholding, Greece.


Feed production Uganda

Developing aquafeed production in Uganda for Agrovet Atlantik Group, Ukraine.
2017 – 2018.

Feed sourcing Netherlands

Feed formulation and quality advisor to RAS yellowtail producer Kingfish Zeeland, the Netherlands.
Since March 2017.

Mentor / coach

Mentor/coach at Aqualife StartHub (Wageningen University & Research) advising starting, young, innovative entrepreneurs.
Since September 2017.

Fish feed quality Denmark

Feed quality and sourcing advisor for RAS Atlantic salmon producer Atlantic Sapphire, Denmark.

Global market study

Global market study and commercialization of an innovative biomarker technology measuring chronic stress in fish for ILVO and Ghent University, Belgium.
2015 – 2016.

Global feed market research

Evaluation of the global aquafeed market potential for low temperature hydrolyzed feather meal and technical support for Empro Europe, Belgium.